Friday, July 10, 2009


Hey. Internet. How's it going?... Good.

Listen, you need to keep your opinion of whether or not tattoos are a good idea to yourself. I know you may not be able to comprehend how someone could make a decision that will be there the rest their life. But, then, you probably will get married, have kids, or choose a degree and career path which will have effects of a similar scope. So with those choices in mind, you need to realize you're just as likely to being a failure, if not more so, at those than someone who gets a tattoo may "regret" it later.

See? That was easy.

In all likelihood you're just jealous.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Pay for parking is an atrocity to man kind. I see it in the same light as spam e-mail. People accepting it is driving the business model.

Suffice to say: