Tuesday, December 29, 2009


You know what's tasty? Steak.
I had one last night.
You know how it was?

My morning was met with rime covered clouds, sprinkling me with bits of frozen water. Sounds like all of Texas is going to get some frozen precipitation. AND THEY SAY CLIMATE CHANGE ISNT REALLLL.

It's funny because I do think we should be attention to what we're doing to the planet. Very much so. But on the other hand, we pretty much know the climate has changed and drastically before; You know, before US.

The second part of this is, and perhaps the one that makes the most sense, do we really have legitimately accurate weather models to even know what the fuck all this data means? My case in point is the weather from the local news. Those dudes can't predict shit.

Throw in some tin foil hats and a bad scientist or two, and we have ourselves a controversy!

My coffee is getting cold, so I'm going to go put it on the spotted owl burner. ttyl


Monday, December 28, 2009


So I got something I really wanted for christmas, an "expresso" machine. My yuppie-dom is complete. As this seems to be the most popular way of pronouncing the word, I will now begin saying it like this as well.

New Years.
Do you have resolutions? I had some last year, and I think I did a good job on them.
1. Lose all negativity.
-well, shit.
2. Pursue Graduate School and a business that you love.
3. Pursue new love and new friends.
-check on the friends part.
4. Define your limits to others.
-I think I've become better at this, this was most applicable to the situation I was in at my last job where I was just being too complacent, and not voicing my concerns. So check.
5. Be a best friend, brother, uncle, son, person you can.
-I believe I've done better. I've tried to make sure I keep in touch, and spend more time on or with people I care about. I'm not sure I've made myself a better person, but yeah.
6. Do not wait for the perfect time and do no doubt yourself.
-Well my job change certainly wasn't the perfect time, though I probably still doubt myself more than I should. Semi-check

I may carry over a couple of these are they're pretty important in how I perceive myself as the person I should be. Overall, I think last year was a successful year. I grew a lot as a person and I'm happy with where things are now. I'm loving my job, and am looking forward to starting school again this next year. I'm spending a lot more time with family and friends. I pursued interests and passions. In addition to focusing more on my health, as I felt I had begun to neglect my person.

So, next year's resolution probably won't look too much different, but maybe good resolutions are goals where you strive for perfection knowing you may never be able to achieve it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I still need to wrap my presents. Though I'm just generally not a fan of wrapping. It's really all kind of wasteful ya know?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Soo... I lost my voice.

I've never lost my voice like this, it's kind of annoying.

O' where for out thou voice?

Please excuse me, I'm going to make some tea.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So much to learn...

Man I have so much to learn. Working on this new project at work.
I'm effectively trying to implement WiMax on a USRP drivin' by GNUradio. By myself. :-(
I am of course learning a lot, but there is just so much to take in. These books I'm reading use WAY too many acronyms. It's like every other word...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear drivers

Stop looking at the accident on the other side of the road, and drive. You stupid fucking monkeys.

I guarantee everyone in the traffic jam north of 1604 on 35 this weekend was pissed that they were in traffic. But, then everyone that got up to the accident had their fucking necks craned. I know because I kept looking ahead, on the road.

So why didn't I look at the accident?


Thursday, December 10, 2009


I just finished most of my Christmas shopping last night.
Still have a few things to pick up, but I know what they are.

I don't want to work today... :-/

Guy from work lent me one of the Warhammer 40k books. I've always been interested in the game, but have never taken the leap in getting units and rule books and such. It's a rich-man's game for sure. But, I suppose that's really no different than Magic, or D&D to an extent. I really think the biggest hangup is the lack of peers to play the games with. I'd love to get back into some games just to have the social group to hang with. I've not made a whole lot of friends in San Antonio yet. I hang out with a few people from work and some of their friends by association, but no one on my own... I need to work harder on that.

Going to College Station this weekend for my best friend's wedding party. Should be fun, looking forward to it.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The past two nights something has woken me up in the morning. Mind you, not at the time I WANT to wake up in the morning; In fact, several hours before. "What is waking you up?", you ask. Well I wish I could tell you.

But, if I found out a person is making this noise that startles me awake, I'm going to stab them in the fucking ear.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I woke up really late this morning, for no good reason. TAKE THAT "THE MAN"!

Sunday night I was very disappointed in Cartoon Network. I had my DVR setup to record Venture Bros, but since CN was running some holiday spots during every break shows were running late. Suffice to say, my recording of Venure Bros only included half of the actual show.

Dear Cartoon Network,

Please stick to your schedule. Dicks.


I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet. I really need to, I always put it off. STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Just another manic monday...

I woke up early and with a headache this morning. What an awesome way to start the week! Think I was just dehydrated, happens to me easily.

So I took a bath this morning.

I like to play a game in the tub while taking a bath. As the faucet continues to drip, I like to catch the drops with my big toe. The drops form in three places, and tend to drip at a very constant tempos. Though, each drop has a different one. I keep my foot as far below the faucet as possible, but above the water.

I haven't given this game a name.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lazy McFatty Cheeks

For a while I was doing a good job running. I haven't hit the track in week now... and, AND I had chik-fil-a last night for dinner. Damn I love some chik-fil-a though...

I'm being lazy at work today too. Perhaps this is because it's nearing the end of the year. It gets cool outside, everything slows down.

I need to visit my apartment office, there should be two packages for me there. A motherboard, and 4 gas masks...


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Easy tiger...

I had a "case of the Mondays" yesterday. So I decided to pay someone to touch me... In a totally legal and masseuse kind of way. This is the second time I've even gone for a massage. Both times have been at the same place, that is apparently a training facility for "massage therapists".

This last time was, perhaps, not as good as the first. Given that the lady felt it necessary to find the knots in my shoulders and GRIND ON THEM LIKE A FUCKING MORTAR AND PESTLE.

You will ask, "Did you say anything? You know, tell her that it kinda hurts?" Of course I didn't.

"Why?", you ask. Because, I'm an idiot.

It's colder today. I heard on the news that there was snow in El Paso, and that the town collectively shat itself.

Monday, November 30, 2009

First cold day.

Today is the first cold I've seen in San Antonio. By cold I mean 50ish.
Clearly, something is amiss.
I can only imagine what would happen if there was frozen precipitation here.

Best friend is getting married tomorrow, in Hawaii.

I added bentonite to my mead last night. Going to try and clarify this batch.
Was reading that it might be better to add it at the beginning... pewp.
Tasted some of the mead though, was pretty good.
I'll probably add some of the leftover honey when I go to bottle.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving, then?


Monday, November 16, 2009

Dirty Nose..

There is something growing in my sinuses. I think it's an alien baby. Perhaps twins...
Because I think I just aborted one of them. (thanks cat)

Partied in Austin with friends. It was a great time and it makes me sad we're all getting older. We had steak, booze, and played at an arcade that had more than House of the Dead and racing bullshit. A rarity for sure.

Saw an unexpected friend while there too. Good guy, bad times. He's the kind of person to stay happy though.

My last welding class is tomorrow. I need to figure out what to do after that, at least in terms of metal work. Perhaps I will move up to a community college course? Though, I will likely be starting my graduate degree next semester, so maybe I'll want to keep that time open until then...

I sent an email to the professor I am planning to take a course from. It is an undergraduate course, to fill in stuff from my previous degree. So I ask him if he can tell me what book he plans to use, or perhaps point me to a website with materials on it.

He responded with this:
Go to google.com and use the following key words:
control systems
Root locus
Laplace Transform
Frequency response
Matlab control toolbox

Yes, he told me to Google it.

Yes. He put "etc." How does that even make sense? You gave me a list about a topic I am planning to take a course in, and you put ETC. LIKE I KNOW WHAT ALL IS COVERED IN THE COURSE AHEAD OF TIME. O WAIT, THATS WHAT I JUST FUCKING ASKED YOU.

If you read this, and you're a professor. Please don't ever do this.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I just realized that my AC hasn't been turned on in weeks. Apparently I had turned it to "OFF" and put the fan to "ON". I'm special like that.

2 more welding classes. 2 More months till spring semester. 2 more... something anothers to keep the pattern going...

My best friend showed me this webcomic gunnerkrigg court. It's awesome. Go read it, or I punch you.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I just attending a free anime showing at one of those new dinner and movie theaters.
It was 3 hours of nerds trying to be funny...
Sadly, I did laugh a few times; But the rest of the time I just wanted to punch people.

I'm not really in any position to pick fights. I guess this is to be expected because admission was free. People don't respect what they don't pay for. Excuse me waiter, there appears to be some proof in my pudding.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Sunday, with dreams on top.

I often have vivid dreams. The dream I had last night left me in a strange mood when I woke.

The dream had started strangely enough, there was a guy who I was watching in third person who was fighting vampires and Nazis ala Indiana J. This somehow progressed into a classroom setting where there was a women who had me smitten. She was not some grotesque manifestation of boobs and such, but she was a genius. You know how in dreams you have a "meta" sense about some things? She was brilliant and cunning, but shy and not the type of person that would rub her vast intellect in your face. She did very little in terms of talking or moving, but the little that she did my infatuation only multiplied. The subtlety of her words and movements told me she was kind.

The Indiana guy was there too, and I felt competitive towards him, even though neither he nor I had made any attempts to win her favor.

As from me waking up feeling alone in the universe, Sunday ended up being a good day. Here's my day: I road my bike, I ate tasty ham sandwich, I sat outside reading a comic while drinking limeade and smoking a cigar, then later dinner with friends. All of this in magnificient 74 degree weather and a cloudless sky... but

Thanks for fucking up my Christmas dream lady.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The welding class was lot's of fun. Arc welding is a very different experience, in terms of sensory input. You're not really able to see much of what you're doing when you are actually doing it.

"It" being when you're pumping so much energy through metal that it melts and spits all over the place. Coupled with the fact that my helmet auto darkens when there is bright light, a result of previously mentioned dangerous activity.

It's much like trying to drawing tiny little circles on a canvas around a door, using a foot long stick held at the end, looking through the keyhole.

It strongly reminds me of the "Peril Sensitive Sunglasses" in Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker series.


It also apparently turns your boogers black.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Who was the asshole...

Really, I need to know who it was. I'm just sayin'...

I'll be attending my first welding class today.

This will eventually lead to me building the robot that will save us from ourselves.

Or severe burns...

Probably the later...

Definitely the later.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


It may be true that society is sliding to the lowest common denominator of intellect and moral deprivation.

However, I think you fail to realize that slides are fun.

Friday, September 25, 2009


People find bits of truth throughout their life. We hold onto these slivers of truth ever so tightly. Holding them against the darkness to define our existence or way of life.

Some times we hold them so hard that the varnish comes off, revealing something we wish we had never seen.

What do you do with it then?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't forget...

Don't forget, life is what you make it.

I plan on making mine more interesting.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A possibility.

I attended a wedding this weekend, and it's brought up some thoughts.

I take issue with people that assume there is "some one" out there for everyone. How are you so sure? This is borderline religious depending on how you look at it. The assumption that there is undoubtedly a person who is your a perfect match or "soul mate" to you.

What about the creepy guy you work with? Is there someone out there for him too? Someone that is accepting of, and interested in, his hair dolls and the pillow he fucks at night that has the face of Andy Rooney taped to it.

Yeah. I win.

I called someone a "bitch" on okcupid today. I'm not particularly proud of it, but she was being a bitch and I don't see any reason not to call a duck, a duck... or a bitch, a bitch...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fuck all the women on okcupid. I hate you.

I fucking hate people.

I'm on okcupid.

I send someone a message genuinely interested in something, or asking a question about what they do, or information on a mutual interest in the area.

I don't get a response.

But the site shows they've been online since I sent the message, and they've looked at my profile. So it's not like these people haven't received my message. They've gotten it, and they choose to ignore polite conversation.
Because they've so god damn full of themselves. They get off on ignoring people. They like the special feeling they get by ignoring someone.
It makes them feel special.
Like it's some accomplishment of desirability that they're laid a trap, in a place to that connects people to other people, and they've sprung it.
They've managed to acquire interest from someone and ignore it one fell swoop, providing themselves with a high of exclusivity.
Someone's unwittingly witnessed their false claim in whatever it is they're looking for and gone to inquire, only to be shunned.

I'm not asking for a date, marriage, or sex;I am just asking for a small piece of conversation. With no other obligations, and at full anonymity.

This is one of the reasons I hate people.

I imagine this is the reason that chauvinists are born. To be repeatedly denied a simple request by someone that made themselves available for request, without explanation or reprisal.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Artichokes and longing

I just cooked some artichokes.

I made out a little with a coworker on Thursday after we'd had a bit too much of the sauce...

I can never get the hang of Saturdays.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The most...

I wish I was the most intelligent person in the world...
Do you think that would make me any more lonely?

Friday, July 10, 2009


Hey. Internet. How's it going?... Good.

Listen, you need to keep your opinion of whether or not tattoos are a good idea to yourself. I know you may not be able to comprehend how someone could make a decision that will be there the rest their life. But, then, you probably will get married, have kids, or choose a degree and career path which will have effects of a similar scope. So with those choices in mind, you need to realize you're just as likely to being a failure, if not more so, at those than someone who gets a tattoo may "regret" it later.

See? That was easy.

In all likelihood you're just jealous.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Pay for parking is an atrocity to man kind. I see it in the same light as spam e-mail. People accepting it is driving the business model.

Suffice to say:


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

You and your online persona.

You shouldn't create a profile on a community site, and then refuse to respond to people that message you in that community.

Unless they're rude.

And if they're not, then you are.