Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I have a test today.

I was discussing with my girlfriend last night my current state. How I find having to study and do homework inconvenient, but that I also have a hard time seeing myself doing anything else right now. All in all, I think that's a good sign. Really all this says is that "hard things are hard", and that what I'm doing I actually want to do. It was just an odd perspective at that moment.

This last year certainly has included a bunch of changes: New job, new city, started graduate school, girl friend, house shopping. Though with all this in mind, I'm still resolute not to be too much of an adult.

Wikileaks is all in the news right now. I have mixed opinions on the subject. I think it's important for 'journalists' to uncover scandal or corruption, but I'm not so convinced that is what this is. This doesn't appear to be much of a focused revelation about anything, so much as someone just dumping over a filing cabinet in hopes of finding something good. However, the animosity being directed as Assange doesn't seem warranted. Too many politicians are throwing around the word 'terrorist' too liberally these days and it's not like he stole the documents personally, in all likelihood the person that did could have just sent them to any of the news agencies himself.

Anywho, back to studying...

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