Monday, December 28, 2009


So I got something I really wanted for christmas, an "expresso" machine. My yuppie-dom is complete. As this seems to be the most popular way of pronouncing the word, I will now begin saying it like this as well.

New Years.
Do you have resolutions? I had some last year, and I think I did a good job on them.
1. Lose all negativity.
-well, shit.
2. Pursue Graduate School and a business that you love.
3. Pursue new love and new friends.
-check on the friends part.
4. Define your limits to others.
-I think I've become better at this, this was most applicable to the situation I was in at my last job where I was just being too complacent, and not voicing my concerns. So check.
5. Be a best friend, brother, uncle, son, person you can.
-I believe I've done better. I've tried to make sure I keep in touch, and spend more time on or with people I care about. I'm not sure I've made myself a better person, but yeah.
6. Do not wait for the perfect time and do no doubt yourself.
-Well my job change certainly wasn't the perfect time, though I probably still doubt myself more than I should. Semi-check

I may carry over a couple of these are they're pretty important in how I perceive myself as the person I should be. Overall, I think last year was a successful year. I grew a lot as a person and I'm happy with where things are now. I'm loving my job, and am looking forward to starting school again this next year. I'm spending a lot more time with family and friends. I pursued interests and passions. In addition to focusing more on my health, as I felt I had begun to neglect my person.

So, next year's resolution probably won't look too much different, but maybe good resolutions are goals where you strive for perfection knowing you may never be able to achieve it.

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